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Don't Be Cruel

Elvis Presley

My earliest recollection of Elvis music was probably some of his cuter tunes like Teddy Bear and Love me Tender, as well as a sampling of his gospel tunes.

I came along far after the Elvis phenomenon had happened, but if there is any fair comparison to what it was like when Michael Jackson was at his peak, I think I can get somewhat of a grasp of the magnitude that this whole thing was in regards to pop culture impact.

I'm probably never going to make a pilgrimage to Graceland or skydive in a white rhinestone jumpsuit, but I do think Elvis is a figure surely worthy of being Simpsonized.

On another note, I was sent a link from Jenni of some really neat Simpsons art in the form of tattoos, one of which you would have seen in that recent 20th Anniversary TV special.

You can check out the link by clicking on the image;

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